Rivne Stelmakh rugby club player died in battles near kyiv

Rivne Stelmakh rugby club player died in fighting near Kyiv/mms.gov.ua

Defending kyiv, Lieutenant Vladimir Stelmakh heroically died. He was a player of the Rivne rugby club.

Vladimir Stelmakh died in a battle near kyiv

A rugby club player has died at the hands of Russian attacker Rivne Volodymyr Stelmakh, defending the capital of Ukraine.

Lieutenant Volodymyr Stelmakh was 27 years old.

The circumstances of the soldier’s death remain unknown.

Losses we won’t forgive
  • On February 25, 21-year-old former Lviv Carpathian player Vitaliy Sapilo died in a battle near kyiv. The former footballer and lieutenant was awarded the title Hero of Ukraine posthumously.
  • On February 28, 25-year-old Gostomel player Dmitry Martynenko and his mother were killed when a Russian bomb exploded in the kyiv region.
  • In the battle near Kharkov, former biathlete of the junior national team of Ukraine Yevgeny Malyshev died.

Channel 24 editors express their condolences to the families and friends of the athletes and to all Ukrainians who died at the hands of Russian troops.

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